Oak View, CA Pros and Cons
Video on Living in Oakview, CA

Are you thinking of moving to Oak View, California? We'll tell you what it's like to live here, the pros and the cons, schools, cost of living, crime, homes and so much more. This video showcases all that Oak View has to offer.
Map Oakview, CA
Oak View is a small community nestled between Ojai and Ventura. The beach is 15 minutes away and downtown Ojai is only 10 minutes.

What do you think, about living in Oak View? Could You Live Here? We'd also love to hear about any other topics you would like us to cover. Please comment below and email us team@living-inventuracounty.com. Thanks:), Keziah and Bart
Oak View, CA Pros and Cons
Video on Living in Oakview, CA

Are you thinking of moving to Oak View, California? We'll tell you what it's like to live here, the pros and the cons, schools, cost of living, crime, homes and so much more. This video showcases all that Oak View has to offer.
Map Oakview, CA
Oak View is a small community nestled between Ojai and Ventura. The beach is 15 minutes away and downtown Ojai is only 10 minutes.

What do you think, about living in Oak View? Could You Live Here? We'd also love to hear about any other topics you would like us to cover. Please comment below and email us team@living-inventuracounty.com. Thanks:), Keziah and Bart